Our shared vision is of a school that enables students to achieve their potentials within a learning environment that is safe, positive, respectful, inclusive and welcoming.

Contact info

Johnson Market, Iloye, Sango Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria" +234 818 8888 823 info@adedokuninternationalschools.com Open Hours: 8AM - 3PM Sunday - Friday
2024-02-19 Admin

2022 Ogun State Champions of JET Competition

Adedokun International School clinched the 2022 Ogun State JET Competition, asserting their dominance as champions. Their triumph underscores the school's commitment to excellence in science and technology education, showcasing the team's outstanding problem-solving skills. A testament to their innovation and academic prowess, Adedokun International School stands proudly as the Ogun State JET Competition victors.
Category : Competition